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"Tonight and then three more nights," replied Marcie."Maybe I can have more than one night with you," said Richard hopefully."Fuck yeah, why not?" laughed Marcie, who then remembered that they should get cleaned up and back downstairs.They cleaned themselves and Marcie put her clothes back on and Richard decided that he would put on a T-shirt and jeans rather than put his trunks back on. Richard opened the door and, with nobody in sight, ushered Marcie out and he went downstairs a couple of minutes later.Marcie was glowing from the fuck but hoped that it did not show but she was certainly getting a lot of people, mostly men, looking her way. The party continued and Marcie and Richard often smiled at each other and Marcie gave him her mobile number.Late at night, the party started to break up and Marcie said to Rosemary, "I will be going soon. Do you have a taxi number, please?" You could have stayed here, you know, don't know why you didn't," said Rosemary before finding the number. In one day the woman and her daughter had fallen out of the upper class and were barely clinging to the middle. There would be no more private schools, no more designer clothes, and no more recreational drugs.Amy's mother, at my suggestion, would probably become a thousand-a-night "escort" in D.C. and Baltimore; she had no other talent, but in bed she was wonderful. I had enjoyed her many times as the family's lawyer.In came Amy, carefully dressed, her hair perfect of course, and her maturing body ripening rapidly. "Hi, Uncle Jack," she greeted me, and I waved her to a chair and quickly told her the basic facts. Her credit card was void and the only car her family owned was her little red Dodge Dart. She could no longer buy new clothes every month and there would be no more skiing at Vale or trips to the Bahamas.Selling the NY real estate would put perhaps a hundred thousand in the bank but the income would be negligible with the interest rate at almost zero, not enough to support.
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